EPP Eagle from EPP Eagle

14 Sep 14 - Motor test run data added

EPP Eagle - 3/4 view EPP Eagle - Side EPP Eagle - Top EPP Eagle - Bottom EPP Eagle - Hatch Mod bottom EPP Eagle - Hatch Mod top

N° of launches / Time 5 40 mins
Wingspan 58.2" 1.48 m
Wing Area 730 in² 47.1 dm²
Flying Weight 1 lb. 7.6 oz 668 g
Wing Loading 4.66 oz/ft² 14.2 g/dm²
Wing Cube Loading 2.1 - 'Glider' & light at that
Motor Unknown make brushless outrunner 930 rpm/V
Propeller AeroNaut 10" x 6" folder
Batteries 3S 2200mAh Turnigy Nano-Tech LiPo
Speed Controller Turnigy Plush 12-E brushless - 12A (15A burst) - 2-4S LiPo - 2A BEC - Brake
Receiver OrangeRx R620 - 6Ch - 2.4Ghz (Spektrum DSM2 compatible)
Servos V Tail - 2 x Conrad 8g
Static performance 3S 2200mAh Turnigy Nano-Tech LiPo cells give 6000 RPM @ 11.4V drawing of 12.7A (145W), which is 101W/lb
Flight performance Flies really well, looks very realistic in flight; the motor & propeller are very quiet at cruise power and the propeller near invisible when turning.

There is plenty of power and the V tail gives good authority; loops are pretty effortless.  I think it might be nicer with ailerons but will fly it some more before deciding whether to fit them or not.

14 Sep 14 - Yesterday I decided that I needed to fit a hatch to the bottom as taking the wing off to disconnect/change packs was really annoying.  The modification added 20g (0.7 oz.) to the Eagle; pretty trivial given the extremely low wing loading.  The battery tray is a 4 strips of a hard liteply running laterally and 2 strips running fore/aft to make ladder. This 'ladder' was glued on top of the internal doubler, approximately centred where the battery sat before the modification.  A Velcro retaining strap was fitted as the battery now hangs from the plate.  The hatch is secured by a liteply tongue at the front and 2 pairs of magnets at the rear, which are glued to a ply plate on the fuselage base; a spacer was fitted to rebate them to allow for the thickness of 2 magnets.

13 Sep 14 - Flew the Eagle at White Waltham families day today; as always it attracted a fair bit of attention..

28 Dec 11 - I have eventually completed the Eagle.  After toying with making it convertible between power and slope use, I decided that it wouldn't be much lighter in slope guise.  I therefore just fitted it with a folding propeller as that would help protect the motor when landing anyway.  When slope flying I could fit a small LiPo further forwards which would lighten it, but it's unlikely to be necessary given the low wing loading.

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