Quick Wing 12mm - by

25 May 09 - Test flown.

N° of launches / Time 5

0 hours 25 mins

Wingspan 14.6" 37 cm
Wing Area 100 in² 6.5 dm²
Flying Weight 3.2 oz. 90g
Wing Loading 4.6 oz. / ft² 14.1 g/dm²
Wing Cube Loading 5.5 - Between Glider and Trainer
Motor Feigao 1230 5800Kv
Propeller GWS EP-3030  3" x 3"
Batteries Kokam 2S1P 20C 340mAh
Speed Controller HW Pentium 6A - 2S LiPo (3S in theory) - 6A - BEC
Receiver Corona RS410 II - 4ch - PPM - 35MHz - 6g
Servos Elevons - 2 x Saturn S44D 4.4g Digital
Static motor parameters  2S Loong Max 500mAh pack gave 7.2A @ 6.99V (50W) and 20900 rpm.  This equates to an input power of ~260W/lb.
Flight performance Quick is a major understatement, ballistic is more appropriate.  I guess any model with such a high power:weight and a coarse propeller will be quick.  Launching is easy as the thrust:weight must be around 1; it's almost that you just have to let go.

25 May 09 - I managed to test fly this model yesterday.  It took so long due to obtaining new batteries and because the model got hidden at the back of my garage for a long while.  I think the CofG was a little too far aft as it was very twitchy in pitch; I've therfore added a small lead weight to the nose to see if that helps.  Due to the sensitivity I didn't fly it for long.

8 Dec 07 - I tested the motor earlier and wasn't overly impressed with the performance of the LiPo cells as I only got around 20W, but I think the controller was limiting the power to maintain the battery voltage.  I've some new packs on the way which are 500mAh and should hold their voltage better.

24 Nov 07 - New model completed; show horn required.  This model really took my fancy at the last British Electric Flight Association Technical Workshop.  The Radical RC range are imported to the UK by Micron Radio Control and they are extremely well designed kits with superb laser cutting of the parts.  The model slots together like a jigsaw and a little cyano bonds it all together.  The airframe is extremely light, and I covered it with SolarFilm Lite (aka So-Lite) to ensure t stayed that way.  The Quick Wing 12mm actually feels quite heavy due to it's miniscule wing span, but the wing loading and wing cube loading are actually quite low.  Fitting everything in the model is tricky due to the limited space; I fitted receiver partly in the wing to save having to move it out of the way to get the pack in.

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