Sopwith Camel (X-Twin Classic) by Silverlit

24 Jan 10 - Conversion of new model commenced.

  The airframe, equipment removed The equipment bay Weighing the airframe The original equipment      
N° of launches / Time 0

0 hours 0 mins

Wingspan 11.0" 279 mm
Wing Area 46 □" 2.96 dmē
Flying Weight 0.74 oz. 20.9g
Wing Loading 2.32 oz. / □' 7.1 g/dmē
Wing Cube Loading 4.1 - Amost a 'Glider'
Motor Brushed motor pre-installed in model
Propeller 80mm x 40mm (est.) supplied with model
Batteries 1S1P BAHOMA Li-Po 85mAh - 100mAh
Speed Controller Built-in to Plantraco Micro9 receiver
Receiver Plantraco Micro9 receiver - 3ch - 868 MHz - 2A Brushed ESC & 2 actuator outputs
Servos Elevator - MicroAct 0.4g Magnetic Actuator
Rudder - MicroAct 0.4g Magnetic Actuator
Static motor parameters  Not testable at present
Flight performance Not yet complete

These provisional figures are for the original model and will be updated on completion of the conversion

24 Jan 10 - I have now decided that I will fit UHF RC gear with actuators as this will be much simpler than using the Spectrum AR6400 unit.  The Spectrum AR6400 is quite large and it proved almost impossible to work out how to fit it neatly.  The Plantraco receiver is much smaller due to the absense of servos on the board; it will be simple to fit this.  I've weighed the replacement parts and they weight almost exactly the same as those removed; hopefully the Camel will weigh the same when complete.

24 Dec 09 - I bought this model specifically to convert to 2.4 GHz using a Spektrum AR6400 combo unit.  The original model is supplied on one of three 27 MHz channels and has a magentic actuator controlling the rudder.  The model has a fixed stabiliser and climbs under higher power settings and descends when throttled back.  I'm going to fit an elevator but still considering whether to have Rudder or Aileron control in addition.  I don't want to add both due to the additional weight it would add; almost 10% extra.

I first weighed the model as supplied, which was 20.9g (0.74 oz.).  The first step was to remove the lower wing, separating it from the fuselage and the struts from the upper wing.  I then worked the cowl loose at the bottom and removed the undercarriage and plate (which carries the original 70mAh battery).  The radio aerial and actuator power leads were removed from the rear fuselage, which required removal of the tail skid and infill.  The actuator was removed from the fin and then from the rudder.  The control board was then removed from the model, snipping the motor leads close to the board.  The complete airframe with motor and propeller weighs 16.3g and the equipment removed 4.6g.  The combination of a Spektrum AR6400 unit and an E-Flite 1S1P Li-Po 120mAh battery weighs around 7.5g so some weight gain is inevitable, but it shouldn't be too much.

*BAHOMA = BAttery HOlder using MAgnets

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